Bulk import to Writer Teams (converting email addresses to lowercase)
When creating a .csv document for bulk import into VT Writer Teams it is mandatory to have all email addresses in lowercase.
Microsoft Excel has a function that will allow you to quickly convert all email addresses to lowercase.
- Your .csv file should have the Team name in Column A and the team member email in Column B.
- Copy the first email address appearing in upper and lowercase into a new column
- Select the fx (fx) button from the menu above Column B
- A dialog box is displayed. Select the text category from the drop-down menu.
- Select LOWER from the function list and click OK
- Type B1 into the text box and click OK. The email address will appear in lowercase only
- Select the C1 cell and drag the bottom right of the cell down the list of users to apply the function to all.
- All emails have been converted to lowercase.
- Now select all cells in Column C and right click your mouse and select "Copy"
- Now paste into Column B, right-click and make sure to paste "values".
- All emails should now appear in lowercase in Column C
- Delete Column C
- Save your .csv file.
- You are now ready to bulk import your teams and users into VT Writer.