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Upgrading VT Writer RedHat with Conflict Error

We have changed the way PostgreSQL is installed, this change will make it so that PostgreSQL can be installed using RedHat repositories instead of relying on external sources. This change makes the server more secure as you can use your internal RedHat repositories to install PostgreSQL. However, to apply this upgrade and all future upgrades you will need to follow the steps below.


Firstly Backup your data, to do this you can use the backup script provided on the VT Writer server. It's located in /opt/visiblethread/VisibleThreadTools/ directory. Once in the 'VisibleThreadTools' directory run the following command.

sudo ./

​Once the backup is finished it will be placed in the 'vtbackups' directory. the full file path is /opt/visiblethread/VisibleThreadTools/vtbackups.


Next, you need to remove the old visiblethread packages because the current PostgreSQL version depends on them and you won't be able to remove them unless you remove the visiblethread packages first. So to remove the visiblethread and PostgreSQL packages run the following commands.


yum remove visiblethread-readability-2.2-1.x86_64

yum remove visiblethread-api-0.16-1.x86_64

# Before removing postgresql packages check the version number of the postgresql packages first and subsitute the postgresql packages in the example below with what is displayed on your screen after running:
rpm -qa | grep postgresql

yum remove  postgresql10-contrib-10.10-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 postgresql10-10.10-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 postgresql10-server-10.10-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64

​Once the packages are removed you can now upgrade to the latest version of VT Writer. To do this run the following commands.

subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

yum install -y visiblethread-api-X.Y.Z.x86_64.rpm

yum install -y visiblethread-readability-X.Y.Z.x86_64.rpm

​Lastly, restore your data then login and check everything is working as normal. To restore your data please use the restore script provided on the VT Writer Server. Run the following command to do so, note that <Backupfile> is the name of your latest backup in the 'vtbackups' directory.

sudo /opt/visiblethread/VisibleThreadTools/ /opt/visiblethread/VisibleThreadTools/vtbackup/<Backupfile>

You should now be running the latest version of VT Writer. The latest version number should be displayed on the login screen.

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