If you ever wanted to search for a specific doc across a bunch of folders, here's an easy way how:
- Click ‘Home’ in the navigation view,
- Click the ‘Activity’ tab on the right hand side
- Now in the ‘filter’ box type in the first few letters of the doc you’re searching for. In the example screenshot below, I’m looking for any reference to ‘SOW’, so I enter SOW into the filter field as indicated. This will isolate any activity around that doc and you can see the folder also. Note: this can be partial or full character filtering/searching.
- Handy tip 1: sort columns. If you sort on the ‘description’ field, (by clicking on the heading), you will see all docs ‘uploaded’ at the start of the list.
- Handy tip 2: export. You can also export that list to excel, clicking the ‘Export’ option.
- Finally click on the entry in the list to go directly to that doc in the context of it’s containing folder.