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Release 4.0.2 (February 2024)

Release 4.0.2 is a cloud and customer hosted release


This release brings the features delivered in version 4.0 to our customer hosted customers along with some other enhancements:


Improvements in version 4.0.2

VTREAD-2745: Incorrect file size conversion in dropzone

VTREAD-2948: SMTP Successful test connection with empty input

VTREAD-3152: 'Indicates' incorrectly identified as having more than 3 syllables

VTREAD-3587: Allow filter Usage Graphs on insights by team 

VTREAD-3611: Better error message in add-in when document exceeds our max file size

VTREAD-3614: Remove uneeded H1, H2, H3 etc from pages in Writer for accessibility compliance


Improvements in version 4.0

Redesigned Watchword Interface

In the latest update, the Watchwords interface has undergone a transformation, making it more intuitive and powerful than ever. Deeper integration of watchwords with the VT Writer Word Add-in allows for inline replace of approved corrections for Watchwords.


Other Improvements:

VTREAD-3569: Better feedback when running a URL scan of a broken site

VTREAD-3472: Allow user admins unlock Watchword and Ignore lists that have been locked by other users

VTREAD-3203: Support sign in with Microsoft Account

VTREAD-2435: Identify passive voice in French content

VTREAD-2437: Redesigned Ignore List editor


Bug Fixes:

VTREAD-2484: Incorrect syllable counting for words ending in "ment" or words ending in "e"

VTREAD-2641: Syllable counting rules not accommodating all prefixing rules

VTREAD-3595: Add-in:: incorrect message displayed to user when attempting to sign in with expired account

VTREAD-3366: Traffic light score set to incorrect colour in add-in for french document

VTREAD-3507: VT Insights data not reflecting Word Add-in scans

VTREAD-3263: Session timeout shows incorrect modal or no message


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