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How to upload license VT Docs version 4 and prior

To install the new license follow the two steps below.


1. Access VT Docs sandboxAdmin

First, you will need to access the VT Docs sandboxAdmin app. In your web browser go to:


https://<VisibleThreadServer IP Address or Name>/sandboxAdmin

(note: "sandboxAdmin" is case sensitive)

You will be prompted for credentials to access this page. The default credentials are :

Username: visiblethread

Password: password


If these credentials do not work then an administrator within your company has changed the credentials.


2. Upload License File

Click the "Upload additional license file" button :



Then hit "Select...", select the license file that you saved earlier and hit "Upload".


You should get the following confirmation message :


Also, here is our support article on managing sandboxes & users:


If you've any questions or need help please contact

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